Heidi Goldman has spent the last 42 years developing her YES!YOGA SYSTEMS Prenatal and Postnatal Tool Kit for Yoga Teachers and Therapist wanting to work with Pregnant Moms. This 2 ½ day training (20-hours) is filled with valuable and useful hands-on tools, complementing your own particular teaching style in a fun, playful and creative way. You will learn basic anatomy and physiology for each trimester and how to adapt the poses with and without the balls. Yes! Yoga has designed a wedge for moms, if they find it hard to lie on their backs. The cornerstone of this work is learning how and when to use props and aids, in what is called, the 6B’s, blocks, balls (Thera-balls and playground balls), balloons, blankets, belts and bolsters. You will learn: key yoga poses, benefits, modifications and teaching cues.
Yes! Yoga uses different size balls in a unique and nurturing allowing you to sink, release, and elongate into the pose, feeling supported and experiencing spaciousness and amazing releases. You will enjoy the confidence these tools offer in your yoga tool kit.
This Yes! Yoga Prenatal and Postnatal Took Kit for Yoga Teachers and Therapists training is designed to complement your current teaching style and therapy. Learning how to use the balls as a prop for moms-to-be are amazing. Using the balls in the Yes! Yoga way is especially lovely for Pregnant moms because the it is designed and sequenced for each trimester. The balls are the safest way Heidi knows how to work.
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